All genetic tests must be ordered by a qualified healthcare provider.

I need:

Clinical Testing Kits Order Form

  • Review our specimen types to confirm acceptable specimens for testing desired.
  • Clinical Testing kits are provided as a courtesy. There is no charge when ordering kits.
  • Kits sent within the U.S. and Canada will include pre-paid return postage.
  • Kits sent internationally will not include pre-paid return postage.

If your patient has had a bone marrow transplant or recent blood transfusion, please contact us for further details.

We do not offer prenatal or tissue collection kits at this time.

Mailing Label Selection

Test Kits For Sponsored Testing & Clinical Trials

No-Cost Genetic Testing Program for Rare Calcification Disorders

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals

NOTE: This site is for in office kits only
This link is for providers to order kits shipped to your office. If you require a kit to be shipped to a patient's home, please contact us at (844) 513-3994.

If you do not see the program listed above, place your kit order here and enter the required special project (SP) number.

Clinical Test Kit Selection

Select the number of each kit type you wish to order.

Blood specimens are always preferred as they provide the highest quality and quantity DNA for testing. If blood is not possible, saliva is preferred. Due to lower quantity and quality DNA, requests for second specimens or delayed testing can occur with buccal specimens. Please also consider patient age and ability when deciding between buccal and saliva.

If you require more than 10 kits, or if you have any other questions, please provide details below in the comments section. You may also contact us by calling +1 715-387-0484, ext 0 or emailing

Only orders with 1-4 kits are eligible for expedited shipping.

Contact and Shipping Information

Labels will be delivered via email within one business day.

Kits are being sent to:

Please select a shipping option:

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* - Denotes a required field. We can accept a P.O. Box address only for one or two kit orders.




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