DNA icon

PGmaxTM - Skeletal Disorders and Joint Problems Panel

Summary and Pricing

Test Method

Exome Sequencing with CNV Detection
Test Code Test Copy Genes Gene CPT Codes Copy CPT Codes
ACAN 81479,81479
ACP5 81479,81479
ACTA2 81405,81479
ACVR1 81479,81479
ADAMTS10 81479,81479
ADAMTS17 81479,81479
ADAMTS2 81479,81479
ADAMTSL2 81479,81479
ADAMTSL4 81479,81479
AEBP1 81479,81479
AFF4 81479,81479
AGA 81479,81479
AGPS 81479,81479
AHI1 81407,81479
AIFM1 81479,81479
AKT1 81479,81479
AKT3 81479,81479
ALDH18A1 81479,81479
ALDH1A3 81479,81479
ALDH2 81479,81479
ALPL 81479,81479
ALX1 81479,81479
ALX3 81479,81479
ALX4 81479,81479
AMER1 81479,81479
ANKH 81479,81479
ANKRD11 81479,81479
ANO5 81406,81479
ANTXR2 81479,81479
APC2 81479,81479
ARCN1 81479,81479
ARHGAP31 81479,81479
ARID1A 81479,81479
ARID1B 81479,81479
ARL13B 81479,81479
ARL6 81479,81479
ARMC9 81479,81479
ARSB 81479,81479
ARSL 81479,81479
ASCC1 81479,81479
ASPM 81407,81479
ASTN2 81479,81479
ASXL1 81175,81479
ASXL3 81479,81479
ATP6AP1 81479,81479
ATP6V0A2 81479,81479
ATP6V1A 81479,81479
ATP6V1E1 81479,81479
ATP7A 81479,81479
ATR 81479,81479
ATRIP 81479,81479
B3GALT6 81479,81479
B3GAT3 81479,81479
B4GALT7 81479,81479
B9D1 81479,81479
B9D2 81479,81479
BBIP1 81479,81479
BBS1 81406,81479
BBS10 81404,81479
BBS12 81479,81479
BBS2 81406,81479
BBS4 81479,81479
BBS5 81479,81479
BBS7 81479,81479
BBS9 81479,81479
BCO1 81479,81479
BCOR 81479,81479
BGN 81479,81479
BHLHA9 81479,81479
BLTP1 81479,81479
BMP1 81479,81479
BMP2 81479,81479
BMP4 81479,81479
BMPER 81479,81479
BMPR1B 81479,81479
BPNT2 81479,81479
BRCA2 81216,81167
BRD4 81479,81479
BRIP1 81479,81479
BTRC 81479,81479
C1R 81479,81479
C1S 81479,81479
CA2 81479,81479
CACNA1C 81479,81479
CADPS 81479,81479
CANT1 81479,81479
CASR 81405,81479
CBS 81406,81479
CC2D2A 81479,81479
CCBE1 81479,81479
CCDC8 81479,81479
CCN6 81479,81479
CCND2 81479,81479
CCNQ 81479,81479
CDC45 81479,81479
CDC6 81479,81479
CDC73 81479,81479
CDH1 81406,81479
CDH11 81479,81479
CDH3 81479,81479
CDK5RAP2 81479,81479
CDK9 81479,81479
CDKN1C 81479,81479
CDT1 81479,81479
CENPE 81479,81479
CEP104 81479,81479
CEP120 81479,81479
CEP152 81479,81479
CEP164 81479,81479
CEP290 81408,81479
CEP41 81479,81479
CEP55 81479,81479
CFAP410 81479,81479
CFAP418 81479,81479
CHD7 81407,81479
CHST11 81479,81479
CHST14 81479,81479
CHST3 81479,81479
CHSY1 81479,81479
CHUK 81479,81479
CIBAR1 81479,81479
CILK1 81479,81479
CKAP2L 81479,81479
CLCN5 81479,81479
CLCN7 81479,81479
CNOT2 81479,81479
COG1 81479,81479
COG4 81479,81479
COL10A1 81479,81479
COL11A1 81479,81479
COL11A2 81479,81479
COL12A1 81479,81479
COL1A1 81408,81479
COL1A2 81408,81479
COL27A1 81479,81479
COL2A1 81479,81479
COL3A1 81479,81479
COL5A1 81479,81479
COL5A2 81479,81479
COL9A1 81479,81479
COL9A2 81479,81479
COL9A3 81479,81479
COMP 81479,81479
COX4I1 81479,81479
CPAP 81479,81479
CPLANE1 81479,81479
CREB3L1 81479,81479
CREBBP 81407,81406
CRIPT 81479,81479
CRTAP 81479,81479
CSGALNACT1 81479,81479
CSPP1 81479,81479
CTCF 81479,81479
CTNND1 81479,81479
CTSA 81479,81479
CTSK 81479,81479
CTU2 81479,81479
CUL7 81479,81479
CYP26B1 81479,81479
CYP27B1 81479,81479
CYP2R1 81479,81479
DDR2 81479,81479
DDRGK1 81479,81479
DDX59 81479,81479
DHCR24 81479,81479
DHCR7 81405,81479
DHODH 81479,81479
DIP2C 81479,81479
DLL3 81479,81479
DLL4 81479,81479
DLX3 81479,81479
DLX5 81479,81479
DLX6 81479,81479
DMP1 81479,81479
DNA2 81479,81479
DNAJC21 81479,81479
DNMT3A 81479,81479
DOCK6 81479,81479
DPF2 81479,81479
DSE 81479,81479
DVL1 81479,81479
DVL2 81479,81479
DVL3 81479,81479
DYM 81479,81479
DYNC1I1 81479,81479
DYNC2H1 81479,81479
DYNC2I1 81479,81479
DYNC2I2 81479,81479
DYNC2LI1 81479,81479
DYNLT2B 81479,81479
EBP 81479,81479
EDN1 81479,81479
EDNRA 81479,81479
EFEMP2 81479,81479
EFL1 81479,81479
EFNB1 81479,81479
EFTUD2 81479,81479
EHHADH 81479,81479
EIF2AK3 81479,81479
ELN 81479,81479
ENPP1 81479,81479
EOGT 81479,81479
EP300 81479,81479
EPS15L1 81479,81479
ERCC4 81479,81479
ERF 81479,81479
ESCO2 81479,81479
ESPL1 81479,81479
EVC 81479,81479
EVC2 81479,81479
EXOC6B 81479,81479
EXT1 81479,81479
EXT2 81479,81479
EXTL3 81479,81479
EYA1 81406,81405
EZH2 81236,81479
FAM111A 81479,81479
FAM20C 81479,81479
FAM98C 81479,81479
FANCA 81479,81479
FANCB 81479,81479
FANCC 81479,81479
FANCD2 81479,81479
FANCE 81479,81479
FANCF 81479,81479
FANCG 81479,81479
FANCI 81479,81479
FANCM 81479,81479
FAR1 81479,81479
FAT1 81479,81479
FBLN1 81479,81479
FBLN5 81479,81479
FBN1 81408,81479
FBN2 81479,81479
FBXL4 81479,81479
FBXW11 81479,81479
FBXW4 81479,81479
FDFT1 81479,81479
FERMT3 81479,81479
FGD1 81479,81479
FGF10 81479,81479
FGF16 81479,81479
FGF23 81404,81479
FGF8 81479,81479
FGF9 81479,81479
FGFR1 81405,81479
FGFR2 81479,81479
FGFR3 81479,81479
FIG4 81406,81479
FKBP10 81479,81479
FKBP14 81479,81479
FLNA 81479,81479
FLNB 81479,81479
FMN1 81479,81479
FN1 81479,81479
FOXE3 81479,81479
FRAS1 81479,81479
FREM1 81479,81479
FREM2 81479,81479
FUCA1 81479,81479
FUZ 81479,81479
FZD2 81479,81479
GALNS 81479,81479
GALNT3 81479,81479
GDF3 81479,81479
GDF5 81479,81479
GDF6 81479,81479
GGCX 81479,81479
GHSR 81479,81479
GJA1 81479,81479
GLB1 81479,81479
GLI1 81479,81479
GLI2 81479,81479
GLI3 81479,81479
GMNN 81479,81479
GNAI3 81479,81479
GNAS 81479,81479
GNPAT 81479,81479
GNPTAB 81479,81479
GNPTG 81479,81479
GNS 81479,81479
GON4L 81479,81479
GORAB 81479,81479
GPAA1 81479,81479
GPC3 81479,81479
GPC4 81479,81479
GPC6 81479,81479
GPX4 81479,81479
GREM1 81479,81479
GRHL2 81479,81479
GRHL3 81479,81479
GRIN2B 81479,81479
GSC 81479,81479
GUSB 81479,81479
GZF1 81479,81479
HAAO 81479,81479
HDAC4 81479,81479
HDAC8 81479,81479
HES7 81479,81479
HGSNAT 81479,81479
HNF4A 81406,81479
HNRNPK 81479,81479
HOXA1 81479,81479
HOXA11 81479,81479
HOXA13 81479,81479
HOXD13 81479,81479
HPGD 81479,81479
HRAS 81404,81479
HSPA9 81479,81479
HSPG2 81479,81479
HYAL2 81479,81479
IARS2 81479,81479
IDH1 81479,81479
IDH2 81403,81479
IDS 81405,81479
IDUA 81406,81479
IFIH1 81479,81479
IFITM5 81479,81479
IFT122 81479,81479
IFT140 81479,81479
IFT172 81479,81479
IFT27 81479,81479
IFT43 81479,81479
IFT52 81479,81479
IFT74 81479,81479
IFT80 81479,81479
IFT81 81479,81479
IGF1 81479,81479
IGF1R 81479,81479
IHH 81479,81479
IL11RA 81479,81479
INPP5E 81479,81479
INPPL1 81479,81479
INTU 81479,81479
IQCE 81479,81479
IRF6 81479,81479
KAT6A 81479,81479
KAT6B 81479,81479
KATNB1 81479,81479
KATNIP 81479,81479
KCNN3 81479,81479
KCTD1 81479,81479
KDELR2 81479,81479
KDM1A 81479,81479
KDM5B 81479,81479
KDM6A 81479,81479
KDM6B 81479,81479
KIAA0586 81479,81479
KIAA0753 81479,81479
KIAA0825 81479,81479
KIF14 81479,81479
KIF22 81479,81479
KIF7 81479,81479
KL 81479,81479
KMT2A 81479,81479
KMT2D 81479,81479
KYNU 81479,81479
LARP7 81479,81479
LBR 81479,81479
LBX1 81479,81479
LEMD3 81479,81479
LFNG 81479,81479
LHX4 81479,81479
LIFR 81479,81479
LIG4 81479,81479
LMBR1 81479,81479
LMNA 81406,81479
LMX1B 81479,81479
LONP1 81479,81479
LOX 81479,81479
LRP4 81479,81479
LRP5 81406,81479
LRRK1 81479,81479
LTBP2 81479,81479
LTBP4 81479,81479
LZTFL1 81479,81479
LZTS1 81479,81479
MAB21L2 81479,81479
MAD2L2 81479,81479
MAFB 81479,81479
MAN2B1 81479,81479
MANBA 81479,81479
MAP2K1 81406,81479
MAP3K20 81479,81479
MAP3K7 81479,81479
MASP1 81479,81479
MAT2A 81479,81479
MATN3 81479,81479
MBL2 81479,81479
MBTPS2 81479,81479
MCPH1 81479,81479
MECOM 81479,81479
MED12 81479,81479
MEGF8 81479,81479
MEIS2 81479,81479
MEOX1 81479,81479
MEPE 81479,81479
MESD 81479,81479
MESP2 81479,81479
MFAP5 81479,81479
MGP 81479,81479
MIR17HG 81479,81479
MKKS 81479,81479
MKS1 81479,81479
MMP13 81479,81479
MMP14 81479,81479
MMP2 81479,81479
MMP9 81479,81479
MNX1 81479,81479
MSL3 81479,81479
MSX1 81479,81479
MSX2 81479,81479
MYCN 81479,81479
MYH11 81408,81479
MYH3 81479,81479
MYH8 81479,81479
MYLK 81479,81479
MYO18B 81479,81479
NAA10 81479,81479
NAGLU 81479,81479
NANS 81479,81479
NBAS 81479,81479
NECTIN4 81479,81479
NEDD4L 81479,81479
NEK1 81479,81479
NEK9 81479,81479
NEU1 81479,81479
NF1 81408,81479
NFIX 81479,81479
NHERF1 81479,81479
NIN 81479,81479
NIPBL 81479,81479
NKX3-2 81479,81479
NLRP3 81479,81479
NOG 81479,81479
NOTCH1 81407,81479
NOTCH2 81479,81479
NPHP1 81406,81405
NPHP3 81479,81479
NPPC 81479,81479
NPR2 81479,81479
NPR3 81479,81479
NRXN1 81479,81479
NSD1 81406,81405
NSDHL 81479,81479
NSMCE2 81479,81479
NSUN2 81479,81479
NTRK1 81479,81479
NXN 81479,81479
OBSL1 81479,81479
OFD1 81479,81479
ORC1 81479,81479
ORC4 81479,81479
ORC6 81479,81479
OSTM1 81479,81479
P3H1 81479,81479
P4HB 81479,81479
PACS1 81479,81479
PALB2 81307,81479
PAM16 81479,81479
PAN2 81479,81479
PAPSS2 81479,81479
PAX3 81479,81479
PAX8 81479,81479
PCGF2 81479,81479
PCNT 81479,81479
PCYT1A 81479,81479
PDE3A 81479,81479
PDE4D 81479,81479
PDE6D 81479,81479
PDGFC 81479,81479
PDGFRB 81479,81479
PEX5 81479,81479
PEX7 81479,81479
PGAP3 81479,81479
PHEX 81406,81479
PHF6 81479,81479
PHGDH 81479,81479
PIEZO2 81479,81479
PIGN 81479,81479
PIGV 81479,81479
PIK3CA 81479,81479
PIK3R2 81479,81479
PISD 81479,81479
PITX1 81479,81479
PITX2 81479,81479
PLCB4 81479,81479
PLEKHA5 81479,81479
PLEKHA7 81479,81479
PLK4 81479,81479
PLOD1 81479,81479
PLOD2 81479,81479
PLOD3 81479,81479
PLP1 81405,81404
PLS3 81479,81479
POC1A 81479,81479
POLD3 81479,81479
POLE 81479,81479
POLR1A 81479,81479
POLR1C 81479,81479
POLR1D 81479,81479
POP1 81479,81479
POR 81479,81479
PORCN 81479,81479
PPIB 81479,81479
PRDM5 81479,81479
PRKAR1A 81479,81479
PRKG1 81479,81479
PROK2 81479,81479
PTDSS1 81479,81479
PTH1R 81479,81479
PTHLH 81479,81479
PTPN11 81406,81479
PYCR1 81479,81479
RAB23 81479,81479
RAB33B 81479,81479
RAC1 81479,81479
RAC3 81479,81479
RAD21 81479,81479
RAD51 81479,81479
RAD51C 81479,81479
RAP1A 81479,81479
RAP1B 81479,81479
RBBP8 81479,81479
RBM8A 81479,81479
RBPJ 81479,81479
RECQL4 81479,81479
RIGI 81479,81479
RIN1 81479,81479
RIN2 81479,81479
RIPK4 81479,81479
RIPPLY2 81479,81479
RMRP 81479,81479
RNU4ATAC 81479,81479
ROR2 81479,81479
RPGRIP1L 81479,81479
RPL13 81479,81479
RSPRY1 81479,81479
RTTN 81479,81479
RUNX2 81479,81479
SALL1 81479,81479
SALL4 81479,81479
SBDS 81479,81479
SBF1 81479,81479
SCN1A 81407,81479
SDCCAG8 81479,81479
SEC24D 81479,81479
SEM1 81479,81479
SERPINF1 81479,81479
SERPINH1 81479,81479
SETD2 81479,81479
SETD5 81479,81479
SF3B4 81479,81479
SFRP4 81479,81479
SGCE 81406,81405
SGMS2 81479,81479
SGSH 81479,81479
SH3BP2 81479,81479
SH3PXD2B 81479,81479
SHH 81479,81479
SHOX 81405,81479
SIX1 81479,81479
SIX5 81479,81479
SKI 81479,81479
SLC10A7 81479,81479
SLC17A5 81479,81479
SLC25A21 81479,81479
SLC25A24 81479,81479
SLC26A2 81479,81479
SLC29A3 81479,81479
SLC2A10 81479,81479
SLC2A2 81479,81479
SLC34A1 81479,81479
SLC34A3 81479,81479
SLC35D1 81479,81479
SLC39A13 81479,81479
SLCO2A1 81479,81479
SLCO5A1 81479,81479
SLX4 81479,81479
SMAD2 81479,81479
SMAD3 81479,81479
SMAD4 81406,81405
SMARCA4 81479,81479
SMARCAD1 81479,81479
SMARCAL1 81479,81479
SMARCB1 81479,81479
SMARCE1 81479,81479
SMC1A 81479,81479
SMC3 81479,81479
SMO 81479,81479
SMOC1 81479,81479
SMS 81479,81479
SNRPB 81479,81479
SNX10 81479,81479
SOST 81479,81479
SOX11 81479,81479
SOX9 81479,81479
SP7 81479,81479
SPARC 81479,81479
SPECC1L 81479,81479
SQSTM1 81479,81479
SRCAP 81479,81479
SRP54 81479,81479
STAG2 81479,81479
SUCO 81479,81479
SULF1 81479,81479
SUMF1 81479,81479
SYT1 81479,81479
TAB2 81479,81479
TAF1 81479,81479
TAF6 81479,81479
TALDO1 81479,81479
TAPT1 81479,81479
TBCE 81479,81479
TBX1 81479,81479
TBX15 81479,81479
TBX3 81479,81479
TBX4 81479,81479
TBX5 81405,81479
TBX6 81479,81479
TBXAS1 81479,81479
TCF12 81479,81479
TCIRG1 81479,81479
TCOF1 81479,81479
TCTN1 81479,81479
TCTN2 81479,81479
TCTN3 81479,81479
TENT5A 81479,81479
TFAP2A 81479,81479
TFAP2B 81479,81479
TGDS 81479,81479
TGFB1 81479,81479
TGFB2 81479,81479
TGFB3 81479,81479
TGFBR1 81405,81479
TGFBR2 81405,81479
THPO 81479,81479
TKT 81479,81479
TMEM107 81479,81479
TMEM138 81479,81479
TMEM165 81479,81479
TMEM216 81479,81479
TMEM231 81479,81479
TMEM237 81479,81479
TMEM38B 81479,81479
TMEM67 81407,81479
TNFRSF11A 81479,81479
TNFRSF11B 81479,81479
TNFRSF1A 81479,81479
TNFSF11 81479,81479
TNNT3 81479,81479
TNXB 81479,81479
TONSL 81479,81479
TP63 81479,81479
TRAF3IP1 81479,81479
TRAIP 81479,81479
TRAPPC2 81479,81479
TRAPPC6A 81479,81479
TREM2 81479,81479
TRIM32 81479,81479
TRIP11 81479,81479
TRIP4 81479,81479
TRNT1 81479,81479
TRPS1 81479,81479
TRPV4 81479,81479
TRPV6 81479,81479
TTC21B 81479,81479
TTC28 81479,81479
TTC8 81479,81479
TUBGCP6 81479,81479
TWIST1 81404,81403
TXNL4A 81479,81479
TYROBP 81479,81479
UBE2T 81479,81479
VAC14 81479,81479
VDR 81479,81479
VPS33A 81479,81479
WASHC5 81407,81479
WDPCP 81479,81479
WDR19 81479,81479
WDR26 81479,81479
WDR35 81479,81479
WDR37 81479,81479
WDR4 81479,81479
WNT1 81479,81479
WNT10B 81479,81479
WNT3 81479,81479
WNT3A 81479,81479
WNT5A 81479,81479
WNT7A 81479,81479
XRCC2 81479,81479
XRCC4 81479,81479
XYLT1 81479,81479
XYLT2 81479,81479
YY1AP1 81479,81479
ZBTB18 81479,81479
ZIC1 81479,81479
ZMPSTE24 81479,81479
ZNF141 81479,81479
ZNF469 81479,81479
ZNF668 81479,81479
ZSWIM6 81479,81479
Test Code Test Copy Genes Panel CPT Code Gene CPT Codes Copy CPT Code Base Price
10631Genes x (702)81479 81167(x1), 81175(x1), 81216(x1), 81236(x1), 81307(x1), 81403(x2), 81404(x5), 81405(x15), 81406(x19), 81407(x8), 81408(x6), 81479(x1344) $1790 Order Options and Pricing

Pricing Comments

We are happy to accommodate requests for testing single genes in this panel or a subset of these genes. The price will remain the list price. If desired, free reflex testing to remaining genes on panel is available. Alternatively, a single gene or subset of genes can also be ordered via our Custom Panel tool.

TNXB exons 32-44 are not analyzed due to multiple close copies of these sequences in the genome. If full coverage of TNXB is needed, we can offer that enhancement for an additional $530 dollars (Test Code 6088).

An additional 25% charge will be applied to STAT orders. STAT orders are prioritized throughout the testing process.

Click here for costs to reflex to whole PGxome (if original test is on PGxome Sequencing platform).

Click here for costs to reflex to whole PGnome (if original test is on PGnome Sequencing platform).

Turnaround Time

3 weeks on average for standard orders or 2 weeks on average for STAT orders.

Please note: Once the testing process begins, an Estimated Report Date (ERD) range will be displayed in the portal. This is the most accurate prediction of when your report will be complete and may differ from the average TAT published on our website. About 85% of our tests will be reported within or before the ERD range. We will notify you of significant delays or holds which will impact the ERD. Learn more about turnaround times here.

Targeted Testing

For ordering sequencing of targeted known variants, go to our Targeted Variants page.


Genetic Counselors


  • Juan Dong, PhD, FACMG

Clinical Features and Genetics

Clinical Features

Skeletal disorders are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of diseases that impair skeletal or joint function. The diagnosis of these patients is based on clinical presentation, ultrasound/X-ray findings, and genetic testing. Genetic skeletal disorders can be divided into 461 groups based on Nosology and Classification of Genetic Skeletal Disorders: 2019 Revision (Mortier et al. 2019. PubMed ID: 31633310).


This panel includes genes associated with a variety of genetic skeletal conditions as described in the article “Nosology and Classification of Genetic Skeletal Disorders: 2019 Revision.” (Mortier et al. 2019. PubMed ID: 31633310) along with some other genes that are known to be implicated in a variety of skeletal conditions by literature search.

Genetic skeletal disorders are genetically heterogenous and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), and X-linked (XL) manner.

The majority of the genes in this panel have no or very few large deletions/duplications reported. But for some genes, deletion/duplication testing detection rates are relatively high. 16 to 25% of reported pathogenic variants in NSD1NSDHLTRAPPC2, ARSL/ARSE, and TRPS1 genes are large deletions/duplications (Human Gene Mutation Database). 16p13.3 microdeletions (ranging from 3.3kb to 3900kb) involving CREBBP were found 17 out of 83 patients with typical features of Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome using array CGH and quantitative multiplex fluorescent-PCR (Stef et al. 2007. PubMed ID: 17473832). The majority of reported variants in NPPC and SULF1 genes are gross deletions or complex rearrangements (Human Gene Mutation Database).

See individual gene test descriptions for information on molecular biology of gene products, and spectra of pathogenic variants.

Clinical Sensitivity - Sequencing with CNV PGxome

COL3A1 pathogenic variants have been identified in approximately 95% of individuals with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome IV (Pepin et al. 2014. PubMed ID: 24922459). COL5A1 or COL5A2 pathogenic variants have been identified in at least 50% of affected individuals with classic EDS (Malfait et al. 2011. PubMed ID: 20301422).

Causative variants in COL2A1 and COL11A1 account for 80-90% and 10-20% of variants identified in autosomal dominant Stickler syndrome, respectively (Robin et al. 2014. PubMed ID: 20301479).

Sequence analysis can detect CREBBP pathogenic variants in 40%-50% of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome cases. Pathogenic variants in EP300 are identified in ~3%-8% of patients with Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (Stevens and Stevens. 2014. PubMed ID: 20301699).

TCOF1 pathogenic variants were found in ~70% of clinical diagnosed Treacher Collins Syndrome cases, and large deletions are ~5% of reported TCOF1 pathogenic variants (Bowman et al. 2012. PubMed ID: 22317976; Katsanis and Jabs. 2012. PubMed ID: 20301704).

Approximately 61% (111/182) of 182 Spanish craniosynostosis probands harbor a pathogenic variant in one of the FGFR2, FGFR3, TWIST1 and TCF12 genes. Pathogenic variants in FGFR2, FGFR3, TWIST and TCF12 account for 36%, 16%, 8% and 3% of pathogenic variants identified in this study, respectively (Paumard-Hernández et al. 2015. PubMed ID: 25271085).

One study reported that six unique FGFR1 pathogenic missense variants were found in seven unrelated patients affected with Hartsfield syndrome (Simonis et al. 2013. PubMed ID: 23812909).

TCF12 explains 32% and 10% of patients affected with bilateral and unilateral Craniosynostosis, respectively (Sharma et al. 2013. PubMed ID: 23354436).

Over 70% of all Cornelia de Lange Syndrome patients harbor a pathogenic variant in NIPBL, SMC3, RAD21, SMC1A, or HDAC8 (Boyle et al. 2015. PubMed ID: 25209348).

For other condition-related clinical sensitivities, please refer to individual gene test descriptions or to smaller disorder-specific panels.

Testing Strategy

This test is performed using Next-Gen sequencing with additional Sanger sequencing as necessary.

This panel typically provides 98.9% coverage of all coding exons of the genes plus 10 bases of flanking noncoding DNA in all available transcripts along with other non-coding regions in which pathogenic variants have been identified at PreventionGenetics or reported elsewhere. We define coverage as ≥20X NGS reads or Sanger sequencing. PGnome panels typically provide slightly increased coverage over the PGxome equivalent. PGnome sequencing panels have the added benefit of additional analysis and reporting of deep intronic regions (where applicable).

Some genes have multiple copies in the haploid genome. In these cases, we may only analyze part of these genes. For example, exons 32 to 44 of the TNXB gene are highly homologous to the pseudogene TNXA, therefore, this region cannot be accurately analyzed in this NGS panel.

Dependent on the sequencing backbone selected for this testing, discounted reflex testing to any other similar backbone-based test is available (i.e., PGxome panel to whole PGxome; PGnome panel to whole PGnome).

Reporting: Reports will consist of two different sections:

  • Variants in genes known to be associated with the provided phenotype
  • Variants in genes possibly associated with the provided phenotype

All differences from the reference sequences (sequence variants) are assigned to one of five interpretation categories (Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic, Variant of Uncertain Significance, Likely Benign and Benign) per ACMG Guidelines (Richards et al. 2015. PubMed ID: 25741868). Pathogenic, Likely Pathogenic and Variants of Uncertain Significance considered to contribute to the proband's phenotype will be reported in the first and second sections. 

Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) recommendations are used to denote sequence variants (http://www.hgvs.org).

Indications for Test

Patients with skeletal abnormalities and joint problems should be considered. This panel offers testing for the following and many other conditions: Arthrogryposis, Apert Syndrome, Adams-Oliver Syndrome, Chondrodysplasia Punctata , Cleidocranial Dysostosis, Cranioectodermal Dysplasia, Exostoses, Stickler syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Larsen Syndrome, Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Spondylocostal Dysostosis, Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Klippel-Feil Syndrome, Aarskog Syndrome, Meier-Gorlin Syndrome, Frontonasal Dysplasia, Mandibuloacral Dysplasia, Treacher Collins Syndrome, Miller Syndrome, Floating-Harbor Syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Polydactyly/Brachydactyly/Syndactyly, Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome, TP63-related conditions, Van Der Woude Syndrome, FGFR3-related conditions, Craniosynostosis, 3-M Syndrome, Holt-Oram Syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome and Cornelia de Lange –related conditions, Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia, Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome, Marfan Syndrome, Sotos Syndrome, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Patellar Dysostoses, and Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome.


Official Gene Symbol OMIM ID
ACAN 155760
ACP5 171640
ACTA2 102620
ACVR1 102576
ADAMTS10 608990
ADAMTS17 607511
ADAMTS2 604539
ADAMTSL2 612277
ADAMTSL4 610113
AEBP1 602981
AFF4 604417
AGA 613228
AGPS 603051
AHI1 608894
AIFM1 300169
AKT1 164730
AKT3 611223
ALDH18A1 138250
ALDH1A3 600463
ALDH2 100650
ALPL 171760
ALX1 601527
ALX3 606014
ALX4 605420
AMER1 300647
ANKH 605145
ANKRD11 611192
ANO5 608662
ANTXR2 608041
APC2 612034
ARCN1 600820
ARHGAP31 610911
ARID1A 603024
ARID1B 614556
ARL13B 608922
ARL6 608845
ARMC9 617612
ARSB 611542
ARSL 300180
ASCC1 614215
ASPM 605481
ASTN2 612856
ASXL1 612990
ASXL3 615115
ATP6AP1 300197
ATP6V0A2 611716
ATP6V1A 607027
ATP6V1E1 108746
ATP7A 300011
ATR 601215
ATRIP 606605
B3GALT6 615291
B3GAT3 606374
B4GALT7 604327
B9D1 614144
B9D2 611951
BBIP1 613605
BBS1 209901
BBS10 610148
BBS12 610683
BBS2 606151
BBS4 600374
BBS5 603650
BBS7 607590
BBS9 607968
BCO1 605748
BCOR 300485
BGN 301870
BHLHA9 615416
BLTP1 611565
BMP1 112264
BMP2 112261
BMP4 112262
BMPER 608699
BMPR1B 603248
BPNT2 614010
BRCA2 600185
BRD4 608749
BRIP1 605882
BTRC 603482
C1R 613785
C1S 120580
CA2 611492
CACNA1C 114205
CADPS 604667
CANT1 613165
CASR 601199
CBS 613381
CC2D2A 612013
CCBE1 612753
CCDC8 614145
CCN6 603400
CCND2 123833
CCNQ 300708
CDC45 603465
CDC6 602627
CDC73 607393
CDH1 192090
CDH11 600023
CDH3 114021
CDK5RAP2 608201
CDK9 603251
CDKN1C 600856
CDT1 605525
CENPE 117143
CEP104 616690
CEP120 613446
CEP152 613529
CEP164 614848
CEP290 610142
CEP41 610523
CEP55 610000
CFAP410 603191
CFAP418 614477
CHD7 608892
CHST11 610128
CHST14 608429
CHST3 603799
CHSY1 608183
CHUK 600664
CIBAR1 617273
CILK1 612325
CKAP2L 616174
CLCN5 300008
CLCN7 602727
CNOT2 604909
COG1 606973
COG4 606976
COL10A1 120110
COL11A1 120280
COL11A2 120290
COL12A1 120320
COL1A1 120150
COL1A2 120160
COL27A1 608461
COL2A1 120140
COL3A1 120180
COL5A1 120215
COL5A2 120190
COL9A1 120210
COL9A2 120260
COL9A3 120270
COMP 600310
COX4I1 123864
CPAP 609279
CPLANE1 614571
CREB3L1 616215
CREBBP 600140
CRIPT 604594
CRTAP 605497
CSPP1 611654
CTCF 604167
CTNND1 601045
CTSA 613111
CTSK 601105
CTU2 617057
CUL7 609577
CYP26B1 605207
CYP27B1 609506
CYP2R1 608713
DDR2 191311
DDRGK1 616177
DDX59 615464
DHCR24 606418
DHCR7 602858
DHODH 126064
DIP2C 611380
DLL3 602768
DLL4 605185
DLX3 600525
DLX5 600028
DLX6 600030
DMP1 600980
DNA2 601810
DNAJC21 617048
DNMT3A 602769
DOCK6 614194
DPF2 601671
DSE 605942
DVL1 601365
DVL2 602151
DVL3 601368
DYM 607461
DYNC1I1 603772
DYNC2H1 603297
DYNC2I1 615462
DYNC2I2 613363
DYNC2LI1 617083
DYNLT2B 617353
EBP 300205
EDN1 131240
EDNRA 131243
EFEMP2 604633
EFL1 617538
EFNB1 300035
EFTUD2 603892
EHHADH 607037
EIF2AK3 604032
ELN 130160
ENPP1 173335
EOGT 614789
EP300 602700
EPS15L1 616826
ERCC4 133520
ERF 611888
ESCO2 609353
ESPL1 604143
EVC 604831
EVC2 607261
EXOC6B 607880
EXT1 608177
EXT2 608210
EXTL3 605744
EYA1 601653
EZH2 601573
FAM111A 615292
FAM20C 611061
FAM98C 0
FANCA 607139
FANCB 300515
FANCC 613899
FANCD2 613984
FANCE 613976
FANCF 613897
FANCG 602956
FANCI 611360
FANCM 609644
FAR1 616107
FAT1 600976
FBLN1 135820
FBLN5 604580
FBN1 134797
FBN2 612570
FBXL4 605654
FBXW11 605651
FBXW4 608071
FDFT1 184420
FERMT3 607901
FGD1 300546
FGF10 602115
FGF16 300827
FGF23 605380
FGF8 600483
FGF9 600921
FGFR1 136350
FGFR2 176943
FGFR3 134934
FIG4 609390
FKBP10 607063
FKBP14 614505
FLNA 300017
FLNB 603381
FMN1 136535
FN1 135600
FOXE3 601094
FRAS1 607830
FREM1 608944
FREM2 608945
FUCA1 612280
FUZ 610622
FZD2 600667
GALNS 612222
GALNT3 601756
GDF3 606522
GDF5 601146
GDF6 601147
GGCX 137167
GHSR 601898
GJA1 121014
GLB1 611458
GLI1 165220
GLI2 165230
GLI3 165240
GMNN 602842
GNAI3 139370
GNAS 139320
GNPAT 602744
GNPTAB 607840
GNPTG 607838
GNS 607664
GON4L 610393
GORAB 607983
GPAA1 603048
GPC3 300037
GPC4 300168
GPC6 604404
GPX4 138322
GREM1 603054
GRHL2 608576
GRHL3 608317
GRIN2B 138252
GSC 138890
GUSB 611499
GZF1 613842
HAAO 604521
HDAC4 605314
HDAC8 300269
HES7 608059
HGSNAT 610453
HNF4A 600281
HNRNPK 600712
HOXA1 142955
HOXA11 142958
HOXA13 142959
HOXD13 142989
HPGD 601688
HRAS 190020
HSPA9 600548
HSPG2 142461
HYAL2 603551
IARS2 612801
IDH1 147700
IDH2 147650
IDS 300823
IDUA 252800
IFIH1 606951
IFITM5 614757
IFT122 606045
IFT140 614620
IFT172 607386
IFT27 615870
IFT43 614068
IFT52 617094
IFT74 608040
IFT80 611177
IFT81 605489
IGF1 147440
IGF1R 147370
IHH 600726
IL11RA 600939
INPP5E 613037
INPPL1 600829
INTU 610621
IQCE 617631
IRF6 607199
KAT6A 601408
KAT6B 605880
KATNB1 602703
KATNIP 616650
KCNN3 602983
KCTD1 613420
KDELR2 609024
KDM1A 609132
KDM5B 605393
KDM6A 300128
KDM6B 611577
KIAA0586 610178
KIAA0753 617112
KIAA0825 617266
KIF14 611279
KIF22 603213
KIF7 611254
KL 604824
KMT2A 159555
KMT2D 602113
KYNU 605197
LARP7 612026
LBR 600024
LBX1 604255
LEMD3 607844
LFNG 602576
LHX4 602146
LIFR 151443
LIG4 601837
LMBR1 605522
LMNA 150330
LMX1B 602575
LONP1 605490
LOX 153455
LRP4 604270
LRP5 603506
LRRK1 610986
LTBP2 602091
LTBP4 604710
LZTFL1 606568
LZTS1 606551
MAB21L2 604357
MAD2L2 604094
MAFB 608968
MAN2B1 609458
MANBA 609489
MAP2K1 176872
MAP3K20 609479
MAP3K7 602614
MASP1 600521
MAT2A 601468
MATN3 602109
MBL2 154545
MBTPS2 300294
MCPH1 607117
MECOM 165215
MED12 300188
MEGF8 604267
MEIS2 601740
MEOX1 600147
MEPE 605912
MESD 607783
MESP2 605195
MFAP5 601103
MGP 154870
MIR17HG 609415
MKKS 604896
MKS1 609883
MMP13 600108
MMP14 600754
MMP2 120360
MMP9 120361
MNX1 142994
MSL3 300609
MSX1 142983
MSX2 123101
MYCN 164840
MYH11 160745
MYH3 160720
MYH8 160741
MYLK 600922
MYO18B 607295
NAA10 300013
NAGLU 609701
NANS 605202
NBAS 608025
NECTIN4 609607
NEDD4L 606384
NEK1 604588
NEK9 609798
NEU1 608272
NF1 613113
NFIX 164005
NHERF1 604990
NIN 608684
NIPBL 608667
NKX3-2 602183
NLRP3 606416
NOG 602991
NOTCH1 190198
NOTCH2 600275
NPHP1 607100
NPHP3 608002
NPPC 600296
NPR2 108961
NPR3 108962
NRXN1 600565
NSD1 606681
NSDHL 300275
NSMCE2 617246
NSUN2 610916
NTRK1 191315
NXN 612895
OBSL1 610991
OFD1 300170
ORC1 601902
ORC4 603056
ORC6 607213
OSTM1 607649
P3H1 610339
P4HB 176790
PACS1 607492
PALB2 610355
PAM16 614336
PAN2 617447
PAPSS2 603005
PAX3 606597
PAX8 167415
PCGF2 600346
PCNT 605925
PCYT1A 123695
PDE3A 123805
PDE4D 600129
PDE6D 602676
PDGFC 608452
PDGFRB 173410
PEX5 600414
PEX7 601757
PGAP3 611801
PHEX 300550
PHF6 300414
PHGDH 606879
PIEZO2 613629
PIGN 606097
PIGV 610274
PIK3CA 171834
PIK3R2 603157
PISD 612770
PITX1 602149
PITX2 601542
PLCB4 600810
PLEKHA5 607770
PLEKHA7 612686
PLK4 605031
PLOD1 153454
PLOD2 601865
PLOD3 603066
PLP1 300401
PLS3 300131
POC1A 614783
POLD3 611415
POLE 174762
POLR1A 616404
POLR1C 610060
POLR1D 613715
POP1 602486
POR 124015
PORCN 300651
PPIB 123841
PRDM5 614161
PRKAR1A 188830
PRKG1 176894
PROK2 607002
PTDSS1 612792
PTH1R 168468
PTHLH 168470
PTPN11 176876
PYCR1 179035
RAB23 606144
RAB33B 605950
RAC1 602048
RAC3 602050
RAD21 606462
RAD51 179617
RAD51C 602774
RAP1A 179520
RAP1B 179530
RBBP8 604124
RBM8A 605313
RBPJ 147183
RECQL4 603780
RIGI 609631
RIN1 605965
RIN2 610222
RIPK4 605706
RIPPLY2 609891
RMRP 157660
RNU4ATAC 601428
ROR2 602337
RPGRIP1L 610937
RPL13 113703
RSPRY1 616585
RTTN 610436
RUNX2 600211
SALL1 602218
SALL4 607343
SBDS 607444
SBF1 603560
SCN1A 182389
SDCCAG8 613524
SEC24D 607186
SEM1 183600
SERPINF1 172860
SERPINH1 600943
SETD2 612778
SETD5 615743
SF3B4 605593
SFRP4 606570
SGCE 604149
SGMS2 611574
SGSH 605270
SH3BP2 602104
SH3PXD2B 613293
SHH 600725
SHOX 400020
SIX1 601205
SIX5 600963
SKI 164780
SLC10A7 611459
SLC17A5 604322
SLC25A21 607571
SLC25A24 608744
SLC26A2 606718
SLC29A3 612373
SLC2A10 606145
SLC2A2 138160
SLC34A1 182309
SLC34A3 609826
SLC35D1 610804
SLC39A13 608735
SLCO2A1 601460
SLCO5A1 613543
SLX4 613278
SMAD2 601366
SMAD3 603109
SMAD4 600993
SMARCA4 603254
SMARCAD1 612761
SMARCAL1 606622
SMARCB1 601607
SMARCE1 603111
SMC1A 300040
SMC3 606062
SMO 601500
SMOC1 608488
SMS 300105
SNRPB 182282
SNX10 614780
SOST 605740
SOX11 600898
SOX9 608160
SP7 606633
SPARC 182120
SPECC1L 614140
SQSTM1 601530
SRCAP 611421
SRP54 604857
STAG2 300826
SULF1 610012
SUMF1 607939
SYT1 185605
TAB2 605101
TAF1 313650
TAF6 602955
TALDO1 602063
TAPT1 612758
TBCE 604934
TBX1 602054
TBX15 604127
TBX3 601621
TBX4 601719
TBX5 601620
TBX6 602427
TBXAS1 274180
TCF12 600480
TCIRG1 604592
TCOF1 606847
TCTN1 609863
TCTN2 613846
TCTN3 613847
TENT5A 611357
TFAP2A 107580
TFAP2B 601601
TGDS 616146
TGFB1 190180
TGFB2 190220
TGFB3 190230
TGFBR1 190181
TGFBR2 190182
THPO 600044
TKT 606781
TMEM107 616183
TMEM138 614459
TMEM165 614726
TMEM216 613277
TMEM231 614949
TMEM237 614423
TMEM38B 611236
TMEM67 609884
TNFRSF11A 603499
TNFRSF11B 602643
TNFRSF1A 191190
TNFSF11 602642
TNNT3 600692
TNXB 600985
TONSL 604546
TP63 603273
TRAF3IP1 607380
TRAIP 605958
TRAPPC2 300202
TRAPPC6A 610396
TREM2 605086
TRIM32 602290
TRIP11 604505
TRIP4 604501
TRNT1 612907
TRPS1 604386
TRPV4 605427
TRPV6 606680
TTC21B 612014
TTC28 615098
TTC8 608132
TUBGCP6 610053
TWIST1 601622
TXNL4A 611595
TYROBP 604142
UBE2T 610538
VAC14 604632
VDR 601769
VPS33A 610034
WASHC5 610657
WDPCP 613580
WDR19 608151
WDR26 617424
WDR35 613602
WDR37 618586
WDR4 605924
WNT1 164820
WNT10B 601906
WNT3 165330
WNT3A 606359
WNT5A 164975
WNT7A 601570
XRCC2 600375
XRCC4 194363
XYLT1 608124
XYLT2 608125
YY1AP1 607860
ZBTB18 608433
ZIC1 600470
ZMPSTE24 606480
ZNF141 194648
ZNF469 612078
ZNF668 617103
ZSWIM6 615951
Inheritance Abbreviation
Autosomal Dominant AD
Autosomal Recessive AR
X-Linked XL
Mitochondrial MT


Name Inheritance OMIM ID
3-M Syndrome AR 614205
3MC syndrome 1 AR 257920
Aarskog Syndrome XL 305400
Acheiropody AR 200500
Achondrogenesis Type 2 AD 200610
Achondrogenesis, Type Ia AR 200600
Achondrogenesis, Type Ib AR 600972
Achondroplasia AD 100800
Acrocallosal Syndrome, Schinzel Type AR 200990
Acrocapitofemoral Dysplasia AR 607778
Acrodysostosis AD 101800
Acrodysostosis 2, with or without Hormone Resistance AD 614613
Acrofacial Dysostosis 1, Nager Type AD 154400
Acrofacial dysostosis, Cincinnati type AD 616462
Acromelic frontonasal dysostosis AD 603671
Acromesomelic Dysplasia Hunter Thompson Type AR 201250
Acromesomelic Dysplasia Maroteaux Type AR 602875
Acromicric Dysplasia AD 102370
ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia 219080
Acute Alcohol Sensitivity AD 610251
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 1 AD 100300
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 2 AR 614219
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 3 AD 614814
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 4 AR 615297
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 5 AD 616028
Adams-Oliver Syndrome 6 AD 616589
Adermatoglyphia AD 136000
Adolescent Nephronophthisis AR 604387
Adult Hypophosphatasia AR 146300
ADULT Syndrome AD 103285
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome 7 AD 615846
Al-Gazali syndrome AR 609465
Al-Gazali-Bakalinova syndrome AR 607131
Alagille Syndrome 2 AD 610205
Alazami Syndrome AR 615071
Alazami-Yuan Syndrome AR 617126
Alkuraya-Kucinskas syndrome AR 617822
Amelia, posterior, with pelvic and pulmonary hypoplasia syndrome AR 601360
Amelogenesis Imperfecta, Type IV AD 104510
Aml - Acute Myeloid Leukemia 601626
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Type 11 AD 612577
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, susceptibility to, 24 AD 617892
Anauxetic Dysplasia AR 607095
Anauxetic dysplasia 2 AR 617396
Anemia, sideroblastic, 4 AD 182170
Antley-Bixler Syndrome AD 207410
Antley-Bixler Syndrome With Genital Anomalies And Disordered Steroidogenesis AR 201750
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 10 AD 617168
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 11, susceptibility to AD 617349
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 4 AD 132900
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 6 AD 611788
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 7 AD 613780
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 8 AD 615436
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 9 AD 616166
Aortic Valve Disorder AD 109730
Apert Syndrome AD 101200
Aphakia, Congenital Primary AR 610256
Aplasia Of Lacrimal And Salivary Glands AD 180920
Aplastic Anemia 609135
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy, Type 1 AD 107970
Arterial Calcification Of Infancy AR 208000
Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome AR 208050
Arthrogryposis, distal, type 2B2 AD 618435
Arthrogryposis, distal, type 2B3 (Sheldon-Hall) AD 618436
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 3 AD 114300
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 5 AD 108145
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 7 AD 158300
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 8 AD 178110
Arthrogryposis, Distal, with Impaired Proprioception and Touch AR 617146
Arthrogryposis, Perthes disease, and upward gaze palsy AR 614262
Aspartylglycosaminuria AR 208400
Atelosteogenesis, type I AD 108720
Atelosteogenesis, Type II AR 256050
Atelosteogenesis, type III AD 108721
Athabaskan Brainstem Dysgenesis AR 601536
Atrial Myxoma, Familial AD 255960
Atrioventricular Septal Defect AD 600309
Au-Kline syndrome AD 616580
Auriculocondylar syndrome 1 AD 602483
Auriculocondylar syndrome 2 AR 614669
Auriculocondylar syndrome 3 AR 615706
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 3A AR 219150
Autosomal Recessive Hypophosphatemic Bone Disease AR 241530
Avascular Necrosis Of Femoral Head, Primary AD 608805
Avascular necrosis of femoral head, primary, 2 AD 617383
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, type 1 AD 180500
Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome AD 615485
Baker-Gordon syndrome AD 618218
Baller-Gerold Syndrome AR 218600
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 1 AR 209900
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 10 AR 615987
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 11 AR 615988
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 12 AR 615989
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 13 AR 615990
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 14 AR 615991
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 15 AR 615992
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 16 AR 615993
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 17 AR 615994
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 18 AR 615995
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 19 AR 615996
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 2 AR 615981
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 20 AR 617119
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 20 AR 619471
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 21 AR 617406
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 3 AR 600151
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 4 AR 615982
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 5 AR 615983
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 6 AR 605231
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 7 AR 615984
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 8 AR 615985
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 9 AR 615986
Barrett Esophagus 614266
Basal Cell Carcinoma, Multiple 605462
Basal Ganglia Calcification, Idiopathic, 4 AD 615007
Basan syndrome AD 129200
Basilicata-Akhtar syndrome XL 301032
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome AD 130650
Benign Scapuloperoneal Muscular Dystrophy With Cardiomyopathy AD 181350
Bent bone dysplasia syndrome AD 614592
Beta-D-Mannosidosis AR 248510
Bethlem Myopathy 2 AD 616471
Bifid Nose With Or Without Anorectal And Renal Anomalies 608980
Bladder Cancer 109800
Blepharocheilodontic syndrome 1 AD 119580
Blepharocheilodontic syndrome 2 AD 617681
Bohring-Opitz Syndrome AD 605039
Bone Fragility With Contractures, Arterial Rupture, And Deafness AR 612394
Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome 3 AR 617052
Bone Mineral Density QTL18, Osteoporosis XL 300910
Bone Mineral Density Quantitative Trait Locus 1 AD 601884
Boomerang Dysplasia AD 112310
Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome XL 301900
Boudin-Mortier syndrome AR 619543
Brachydactyly Type A1 AD 112500
Brachydactyly Type A2 AD 112600
Brachydactyly Type C AD 113100
Brachydactyly, type A1, C AR 615072
Brachydactyly, Type A1, D AD 616849
Brachydactyly, Type B1 AD 113000
Brachydactyly, Type B2 AD 611377
Brachydactyly, Type D AD 113200
Brachydactyly, Type E1 AD 113300
Brachydactyly, Type E2 AD 613382
Brachydactyly-Syndactyly Syndrome 610713
Brachyolmia 4 with Mild Epiphyseal and Metaphyseal Changes AR 612847
Brachyolmia Type 3 AD 113500
Branchiooculofacial Syndrome AD 113620
Branchiootic syndrome 1 AD 602588
Branchiootic Syndrome 3 AD 608389
Branchiootorenal Syndrome 1, with or without Cataracts AD 113650
Branchiootorenal Syndrome 2 610896
Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial 2 AD 612555
Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial 3 613399
Brittle Cornea Syndrome 1 AR 229200
Brittle Cornea Syndrome 2 AR 614170
Bruck syndrome 1 AR 259450
Bruck Syndrome 2 AR 609220
Brugada Syndrome 3 611875
Burn-McKeown Syndrome AR 608572
Caffey Disease AD 114000
Calvarial doughnut lesions with bone fragility with or without spondylometaphyseal dysplasia AD 126550
Camptodactyly, Tall Stature, And Hearing Loss Syndrome AD, AR 610474
Camptomelic Dysplasia AD 114290
Camptosynpolydactyly, Complex AR 607539
Camurati-Engelmann Disease AD 131300
Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia, X-Linked XL 314400
Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 3 AD 615279
Cardiospondylocarpofacial Syndrome AD 157800
Carney Complex Variant 608837
Carney Complex, Type 1 AD 160980
Carpal tunnel syndrome 2 AD 619161
Carpenter Syndrome AR 201000
Carpenter Syndrome 2 AR 614976
Cataract 34, multiple types 612968
Cataracts, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Sensory Neuropathy, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Skeletal Dysplasia AR 616007
Cataracts, spastic paraparesis, and speech delay AD 619338
Catel-Manzke Syndrome AR 616145
Central hypoventilation syndrome, congenital, 3 AR 619483
Centronuclear myopathy 6 with fiber-type disproportion AR 617760
Cerebrocostomandibular syndrome AD 117650
Cervical Cancer 603956
CHAND syndrome AR 214350
Char Syndrome AD 169100
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2B1 AR 605588
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2C AD 606071
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, type 2V AD 616491
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Type 4B3 AR 615284
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Type 4J AR 611228
CHARGE Association AD 214800
Cherubism AD 118400
Child Syndrome XL 308050
Childhood Hypophosphatasia AR 241510
Chitayat Syndrome AD 617180
Chondrocalcinosis 2 AD 118600
Chondrodysplasia Acromesomelic With Genital Anomalies AR 609441
Chondrodysplasia Blomstrand Type AR 215045
Chondrodysplasia Punctata 1, X-Linked Recessive XL 302950
Chondrodysplasia Punctata 2 X-Linked Dominant XL 302960
Chondrodysplasia with Joint Dislocations, Gpapp Type AR 614078
Chondrosarcoma 215300
CHOPS Syndrome AD 616368
Chronic Infantile Neurological, Cutaneous And Articular Syndrome AD 607115
CK syndrome XL 300831
CLAPO syndrome, somatic 613089
Cleft palate, cardiac defects, and mental retardation AD 600987
Cleft Palate, Psychomotor Retardation, and Distinctive Facial Features AD 616728
Cleidocranial Dysostosis AD 119600
CLOVE syndrome, somatic 612918
COACH Syndrome AR 216360
COACH syndrome 2 619111
COACH syndrome 3 619113
Cocoon Syndrome 613630
CODAS syndrome AR 600373
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 1 AD 135900
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 2 AD 614607
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 3 AD 614608
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 4 AD 614609
Coffin-Siris Syndrome 5 AD 616938
Coffin-Siris syndrome 7 AD 618027
Cole Disease AD 615522
Cole-Carpenter Syndrome 1 AD 112240
Cole-Carpenter Syndrome 2 AR 616294
Colorectal cancer, susceptibility to, 12 AD 615083
Combined osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 1 AD 619115
Combined osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 2 AD 619120
Combined Oxidative Phosphorylation Deficiency 6 XL 300816
Complement Component c1s Deficiency 613783
Cone-rod dystrophy 16 AR 614500
Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly AD 121050
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation Type 2G AR 611209
Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation Type IIj AR 613489
Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type IIk AR 614727
Congenital heart defects, hamartomas of tongue, and polysyndactyly AR 217085
Congenital heart defects, nonsyndromic, 2 AD 614980
Conotruncal Heart Malformations 217095
Contractures, pterygia, and variable skeletal fusions syndrome 1B AR 618469
Corneal dystrophy, posterior polymorphous, 4 AD 618031
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 1 AD 122470
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 2 XL 300590
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 3 AD 610759
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 4 AD 614701
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 5 XL 300882
Cortical dysplasia, complex, with other brain malformations 10 AR 618677
Costello Syndrome AD 218040
Cousin Syndrome AR 260660
Cowchock Syndrome XL 310490
Cowden syndrome 5 615108
Cowden syndrome 6 615109
Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia, Autosomal Dominant AD 122860
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia AR 218330
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia 2 AR 613610
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia 3 AR 614099
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia 4 AR 614378
Craniofacial Deafness Hand Syndrome AD 122880
Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia XL 304110
Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia, Autosomal Dominant AD 123000
Craniometaphyseal dysplasia, autosomal recessive AR 218400
Craniosynostosis 3 AD 615314
Craniosynostosis 4 AD 600775
Craniosynostosis 5, Susceptibility to AD 615529
Craniosynostosis 6 AD 616602
Craniosynostosis And Dental Anomalies AR 614188
Craniosynostosis with radiohumeral fusions and other skeletal and craniofacial anomalies 614416
Craniosynostosis, Type 1 AD 123100
Craniosynostosis, Type 2 AD 604757
Crouzon Syndrome AD 123500
Crouzon Syndrome With Acanthosis Nigricans AD 612247
Cryptophthalmos, unilateral or bilateral, isolated AR 123570
Culler-Jones Syndrome AD 615849
Currarino Syndrome AD 176450
Curry-Jones syndrome, somatic mosaic 601707
Cushing's Symphalangism AD 185800
Cutaneous Telangiectasia and Cancer Syndrome, Familial AD 614564
Cutis Gyrata Syndrome Of Beare And Stevenson AD 123790
Cutis Laxa With Severe Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal, And Urinary Abnormalities AR 613177
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant AD 123700
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 2 AD 614434
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 3 AD 616603
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IA AR 219100
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IB AR 614437
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IIA AR 219200
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IIB AR 612940
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IIC AR 617402
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IID AR 617403
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type IIIB 614438
Cystic Fibrosis AR 219700
Czech Dysplasia Metatarsal Type AD 609162
D-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria 2 613657
Deafness, Autosomal Dominant 13 AD 601868
Deafness, Autosomal Dominant 23 AD 605192
Deafness, Autosomal Dominant 28 AD 608641
Deafness, autosomal dominant 34, with or without inflammation AD 617772
Deafness, autosomal dominant 37 AD 618533
Deafness, Autosomal Recessive 53 AR 609706
Deafness, X-Linked 5 XL 300614
Deficiency Of Alpha-Mannosidase AR 248500
Deficiency Of Transaldolase AR 606003
Dent Disease 1 XL 300009
Dermatofibrosis Lenticularis Disseminata AD 166700
Desbuquois Dysplasia 2 AR 615777
Desbuquois Syndrome AR 251450
Desmosterolosis AR 602398
Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 6B, non-Dravet AD 619317
Developmental delay, hypotonia, musculoskeletal defects, and behavioral abnormalities AD 619595
Diabetes Mellitus, Noninsulin-Dependent AD 125853
Diaphanospondylodysostosis AR 608022
Diastrophic Dysplasia AR 222600
Digeorge Sequence AD 188400
Digital Clubbing, Isolated Congenital AR 119900
Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1A AD 115200
Disordered Steroidogenesis Due To Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency 613571
Duane retraction syndrome 3 AD 617041
Duane-Radial Ray Syndrome AD 607323
Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen Syndrome AD 223800
Dyssegmental Dysplasia Silverman-Handmaker Type AR 224410
Dystonia 3, Torsion, X-Linked XL 314250
Ectodermal Dysplasia 3, Witkop Type AD 189500
Ectodermal Dysplasia, Ectrodactyly, and Macular Dystrophy AR 225280
Ectodermal Dysplasia-Syndactyly Syndrome 1 AR 613573
Ectodermal Dysplasia/Short Stature Syndrome AR 616029
Ectopia lentis et pupillae AR 225200
Ectopia Lentis, Isolated Autosomal Recessive AR 225100
Ectopia Lentis, Isolated, Autosomal Dominant AD 129600
Ectrodactyly, Ectodermal Dysplasia, And Cleft Lip/Palate Syndrome 3 AD 604292
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with Progressive Kyphoscoliosis, Myopathy, and Hearing Loss AR 614557
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with Short Stature and Limb Anomalies AR 130070
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, arthrochalasia type, 2 AD 617821
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive, Cardiac Valvular Form AR 225320
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Classic Like, 2 AR 618000
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hydroxylysine-Deficient AR 225400
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Musculocontractural Type AR 601776
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Musculocontractural Type 2 AR 615539
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Periodontal Type, 2 AD 617174
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Progeroid Type, 2 AR 615349
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type 1 AD 130000
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type 2 AD 130010
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type 4 AD 130050
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type VIIA and VIIB AD 130060
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type VIIC AR 225410
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type VIII AD 130080
Ehlers-Danlos-Like Syndrome Due To Tenascin-X Deficiency AR 606408
Eiken Skeletal Dysplasia AR 600002
Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome 225500
Elsahy-Waters syndrome AR 211380
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 3, AR AR 616516
Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis 613001
Encephalopathy, progressive, with amyotrophy and optic atrophy AR 617207
Endocrine-Cerebroosteodysplasia AR 612651
Endometrial Cancer 608089
Epidermal Nevus 162900
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized 8 612899
Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic, susceptibility to, 10 AD 617924
Epileptic Encephalopathy, Early Infantile, 27 AD 616139
Epileptic encephalopathy, early infantile, 85, with or without midline brain defects XL 301044
Epileptic Encephalopathy, Infantile or Early Childhood, 3 AD 618012
Epiphyseal chondrodysplasia, Miura type AD 615923
Epiphyseal dysplasia, multiple, 7 AR 617719
Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Multiple, With Myopia And Conductive Deafness AD 132450
Erythrokeratodermia variabilis et progressiva 3 AD 617525
Esophageal Cancer 133239
Essential Thrombocythemia AD 187950
Even-plus syndrome AR 616854
Exostoses, Multiple, Type I AD 133700
Exostoses, Multiple, Type II AD 133701
Exudative Vitreoretinopathy 4 AR 601813
Failure Of Tooth Eruption, Primary AD 125350
Fallot Tetralogy AD 187500
Familial Amyloid Nephropathy With Urticaria And Deafness AD 191900
Familial Benign Hypercalcemia AD 145980
Familial Cancer Of Breast 114480
Familial Cold Urticaria AD 120100
Familial Colorectal Cancer 114500
Familial digital arthropathy with brachydactyly AD 606835
Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 3 AD 609634
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group A AR 227650
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group B XL 300514
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group C AR 227645
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group D1 AR 605724
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group D2 AR 227646
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group E AR 600901
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group F 603467
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group G 614082
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group I AR 609053
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group J 609054
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group N 610832
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group O AR 613390
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group P AR 613951
Fanconi anemia, Complementation Group Q AR 615272
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group R AD 617244
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group T AR 616435
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group U AR 617247
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group V AR 617243
Fanconi Renotubular Syndrome 2 AR 613388
Fanconi renotubular syndrome 3 AD 615605
Fanconi renotubular syndrome 4, with maturity-onset diabetes of the young AD 616026
Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome AR 227810
Feingold Syndrome 1 AD 164280
Feingold Syndrome 2 AD 614326
Fg Syndrome XL 305450
FG Syndrome 2 XL 300321
Fibrochondrogenesis AR 228520
Fibrochondrogenesis 2 AR 614524
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva AD 135100
Fibromuscular dysplasia, multifocal AD 619329
Fibular Hypoplasia And Complex Brachydactyly AR 228900
Filippi syndrome AR 272440
FILS syndrome AR 615139
Floating-Harbor Syndrome AD 136140
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia XL 305600
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 10 AD 256020
Fontaine progeroid syndrome AD 612289
Frank Ter Haar Syndrome AR 249420
Fraser Syndrome AR 219000
Fraser Syndrome 2 AR 617666
Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome AD 193700
Frontometaphyseal Dysplasia XL 305620
Frontometaphyseal Dysplasia 2 AD 617137
Frontonasal Dysplasia AR 136760
Frontonasal Dysplasia 2 AR 613451
Frontonasal Dysplasia 3 AR 613456
Frontotemporal Dementia and/or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 3 AD 616437
Fucosidosis AR 230000
Fuhrmann Syndrome AR 228930
Galactosialidosis AR 256540
Galloway-Mowat syndrome 6 AR 618347
Gangliosidosis GM1 Type 3 AR 230650
Geleophysic Dysplasia AR 231050
Geleophysic Dysplasia 2 AD 614185
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 2 AD 604403
Genitopatellar Syndrome AD 606170
Geroderma Osteodysplasticum AR 231070
Ghosal Syndrome AR 231095
Glaucoma 3, Primary Congenital, D 613086
Glioma Susceptibility 1 137800
Glioma Susceptibility 3 AR 613029
Glomerulopathy With Fibronectin Deposits 2 AD 601894
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis defect 15 AR 617810
Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia AD 166260
Gracile Bone Dysplasia AD 602361
Grange syndrome AR 602531
Grebe Syndrome AR 200700
Greenberg Dysplasia AR 215140
Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome AD 175700
Growth Hormone Deficiency, Isolated Partial AR 615925
Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome AD 102500
Hand Foot Uterus Syndrome AD 140000
Hartsfield syndrome AD 615465
Hay-Wells Syndrome AD 106260
Heart-Hand Syndrome, Slovenian Type AD 610140
Hemochromatosis Type 1 AR 235200
Hennekam Syndrome AR 235510
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer AD 137215
Hereditary Insensitivity To Pain With Anhidrosis AR 256800
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer Type 6 614331
Heyn-Sproul-Jackson syndrome AD 618724
Histiocytosis-lymphadenopathy plus syndrome AR 602782
Holoprosencephaly 13, X-linked XL 301043
Holoprosencephaly 3 AD 142945
Holoprosencephaly 9 AD 610829
Holt-Oram Syndrome AD 142900
Homocystinuria Due To Cbs Deficiency AR 236200
Huriez syndrome AD 181600
Hurler Syndrome AR 607014
Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome AD 176670
Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome AR 228600
Hydrolethalus Syndrome 2 AR 614120
Hydroxykynureninuria AR 236800
Hypercalcemia, infantile, 2 AR 616963
Hypercarotenemia And Vitamin A Deficiency, Autosomal Dominant AD 115300
Hyperparathyroidism 1 AD 145000
Hyperparathyroidism 2 AD 145001
Hyperparathyroidism, Neonatal Severe Primary AR 239200
Hyperparathyroidism, transient neonatal AR 618188
Hyperphosphatasemia Tarda AR 239100
Hyperphosphatasemia With Bone Disease AR 239000
Hyperphosphatasia With Mental Retardation AR 239300
Hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome 4 AR 615716
Hypertelorism, Teebi type AD 145420
Hypertension and Brachydactyly Syndrome AD 112410
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, primary, autosomal dominant AD 167100
Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy, Primary, Autosomal Recessive 2 AR 614441
Hypocalcemia, autosomal dominant AD 601198
Hypochondroplasia AD 146000
Hypoparathyroidism Retardation Dysmorphism Syndrome AR 241410
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Autosomal Dominant AD 193100
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Autosomal Recessive, 2 AR 613312
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, X-Linked Dominant XL 307800
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, X-Linked Recessive XL 300554
Hypophosphatemic Vitamin D Refractory Rickets AR 241520
Hypopigmentation, organomegaly, and delayed myelination and development AD 618541
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome AR 241550
Hypoplastic or Aplastic Tibia with Polydactyly AD 188740
Hypothalamic Hamartomas AR 241800
Hypothyroidism, Congenital, Due To Thyroid Dysgenesis AD 218700
I Cell Disease AR 252500
Ichthyosis Follicularis Atrichia Photophobia Syndrome XL 308205
IMAGE Syndrome AD 614732
IMAGE-I syndrome AR 618336
Immunodeficiency and Hepatopathy with Cutis Laxa XL 300972
Immunoskeletal Dysplasia with Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities AR 617425
Infantile Gm1 Gangliosidosis AR 230500
Infantile Hypophosphatasia AR 241500
Infantile Liver Failure Syndrome 2 AR 616483
Inflammatory bowel disease, immunodeficiency, and encephalopathy AR 618213
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Resistance To AR 270450
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Deficiency AR 608747
Intellectual developmental disorder with nasal speech, dysmorphic facies, and variable skeletal anomalies AD 618608
Intervertebral Disc Disorder 603932
Intestinal Pseudoobstruction Neuronal Chronic Idiopathic X-Linked XL 300048
Iridogoniodysgenesis, Dominant Type AD 137600
Ivic Syndrome AD 147750
Jackson-Weiss Syndrome AD 123150
Jawad syndrome AR 251255
Joint laxity, short stature, and myopia AR 617662
Joubert Syndrome AR 614615
Joubert Syndrome 1 AR 213300
Joubert Syndrome 10 XL 300804
Joubert Syndrome 13 AR 614173
Joubert syndrome 14 AR 614424
Joubert syndrome 15 AR 614464
Joubert syndrome 16 AR 614465
Joubert syndrome 18 AR 614815
Joubert Syndrome 2 AR 608091
Joubert syndrome 20 AR 614970
Joubert Syndrome 21 AR 615636
Joubert Syndrome 22 AR 615665
Joubert Syndrome 23 AR 616490
Joubert Syndrome 24 AR 616654
Joubert Syndrome 25 AR 616781
Joubert Syndrome 26 AR 616784
Joubert Syndrome 27 AR 617120
Joubert Syndrome 28 AR 617121
Joubert Syndrome 3 AR 608629
Joubert Syndrome 30 AR 617622
Joubert Syndrome 31 AR 617761
Joubert syndrome 38 AR 619476
Joubert Syndrome 4 AR 609583
Joubert syndrome 40 AR 619582
Joubert Syndrome 5 AR 610188
Joubert Syndrome 6 AR 610688
Joubert Syndrome 7 AR 611560
Joubert Syndrome 8 AR 612291
Joubert Syndrome 9 AR 612285
Juberg-Hayward syndrome AR 216100
Juvenile GM1 Gangliosidosis AR 230600
Juvenile Macular Degeneration And Hypotrichosis AR 601553
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia 607785
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome AD 174900
Juvenile Polyposis/Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Syndrome AD 175050
Kabuki Syndrome 1 AD 147920
Kabuki Syndrome 2 XL 300867
Kallmann Syndrome 2 AD 147950
Kallmann Syndrome 4 AD 610628
Kallmann Syndrome 5 AD 612370
Kallmann Syndrome 6 AD 612702
KBG Syndrome AD 148050
Keipert syndrome XL 301026
Kenny-Caffey Syndrome Type 1 AR 244460
Kenny-Caffey Syndrome Type 2 AD 127000
Keratoendothelitis fugax hereditaria AD 148200
Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans XL 308800
Keratosis, Seborrheic 182000
Keutel Syndrome AR 245150
Klein-Waardenberg's Syndrome AR 148820
Klippel-Feil Syndrome 1, Autosomal Dominant AD 118100
Klippel-Feil syndrome 2, autosomal recessive AR 214300
Klippel-Feil Syndrome 3, Autosomal Dominant 613702
Klippel-Feil Syndrome 4, Autosomal Recessive, with Myopathy and Facial Dysmorphism AR 616549
Kniest Dysplasia AD 156550
Kosaki overgrowth syndrome AD 616592
Lacrimoauriculodentodigital Syndrome 149730
Langer Mesomelic Dysplasia Syndrome AR 249700
Larsen Syndrome, Dominant Type AD 150250
Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome AD 135750
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10 611755
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 17 AR 615360
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease AD 150600
Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome XL 309800
Lenz-Majewski Hyperostotic Dwarfism AD 151050
LEOPARD Syndrome AD 151100
Leri Weill Dyschondrosteosis AD 127300
Lethal congenital contracture syndrome 10 AR 617022
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, Type III AR 612840
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 11 AR 616494
Liberfarb syndrome AR 618889
Liebenberg Syndrome AD 186550
Lig4 Syndrome AR 606593
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, Type 2H AR 254110
Limb-Mammary Syndrome AD 603543
Lipodystrophy, Familial Partial, Type 2 AD 151660
Lissencephaly 6, with microcephaly AR 616212
Liver Cancer 114550
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 1 AD 609192
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 2 AD 610168
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 3 AD 613795
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 4 AD 614816
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 5 AD 615582
Long QT syndrome 8 618447
Lowry-Wood syndrome AR 226960
Lujan-Fryns Syndrome XL 309520
Lung Cancer 211980
Luscan-Lumish Syndrome AD 616831
Macrocephaly, Alopecia, Cutis Laxa, And Scoliosis AR 613075
Macrodactyly, somatic 155500
Macular Degeneration, Early-Onset AD 616118
Malouf Syndrome AD 212112
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type A Lipodystrophy AR 248370
Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type B Lipodystrophy AR 608612
Mandibulofacial dysostosis with alopecia AD 616367
Mandibulofacial dysostosis, Guion-Almeida type AD 610536
Manitoba Oculotrichoanal Syndrome AR 248450
Mannose-Binding Protein Deficiency AD 614372
Marden-Walker Syndrome AD 248700
Marfan lipodystrophy syndrome AD 616914
Marfan Syndrome AD 154700
Marshall Syndrome AD 154780
Marshall-Smith Syndrome AD 602535
Mass Syndrome AD 604308
Maturity-Onset Diabetes Of The Young, Type 1 AD 125850
Mckusick Kaufman Syndrome AR 236700
Meckel Syndrome 1 AR 249000
Meckel Syndrome 10 AR 614175
Meckel syndrome 11 AR 615397
Meckel Syndrome 12 AR 616258
Meckel Syndrome 13 AR 617562
Meckel Syndrome 2 AR 603194
Meckel Syndrome 3 AR 607361
Meckel Syndrome 4 AR 611134
Meckel Syndrome 5 AR 611561
Meckel Syndrome 6 AR 612284
Meckel Syndrome 7 AR 267010
Meckel Syndrome 8 AR 613885
Meckel Syndrome 9 AR 614209
Medulloblastoma AR 155255
Meester-Loeys syndrome XL 300989
Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome AR 249210
Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome 2 AR 619351
Megalencephaly-Capillary Malformation-Polymicrogyria syndrome, Somatic 602501
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 1 AD 603387
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 2 AD 615937
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 3 AD 615938
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 1 AR 224690
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 2 AR 613800
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 3 AR 613803
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 4 AR 613804
Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 5 AR 613805
Meier-Gorlin syndrome 6 AD 616835
Meier-Gorlin syndrome 7 AR 617063
Melnick-Needles Syndrome XL 309350
Melorheostosis 155950
MEND Syndrome XL 300960
Meningioma, Familial AD 607174
Menke-Hennekam syndrome 1 AD 618332
Menke-Hennekam syndrome 2 AD 618333
Menkes Kinky-Hair Syndrome XL 309400
Mental Retardation, Autosomal Dominant 21 AD 615502
Mental retardation, autosomal dominant 22 AD 612337
Mental Retardation, Autosomal Dominant 23 AD 615761
Mental retardation, autosomal dominant 32 AD 616268
Mental retardation, autosomal dominant 48 AD 617751
Mental Retardation, Autosomal Dominant 6 AD 613970
Mental Retardation, Autosomal Dominant, 27 AD 615866
Mental retardation, autosomal recessive 5 AR 611091
Mental retardation, autosomal recessive 65 AR 618109
Mental Retardation, X-linked, Syndromic 33 XL 300966
Metacarpal 4-5 fusion XL 309630
Metachondromatosis AD 156250
Metaphyseal Anadysplasia 2 613073
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Jansen Type AD 156400
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Mckusick Type AR 250250
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Schmid Type AD 156500
Metaphyseal dysplasia with maxillary hypoplasia with or without brachydactyly AD 156510
Metaphyseal Dysplasia Without Hypotrichosis AR 250460
Metaphyseal Dysplasia, Spahr Type AR 250400
Metatropic Dwarfism AD 156530
Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Type 2 AR 210720
Microcephaly 13, primary, autosomal recessive AR 616051
Microcephaly 20, primary, autosomal recessive AR 617914
Microcephaly and Chorioretinopathy, Autosomal Recessive, 1 AR 251270
Microcephaly and Chorioretinopathy, Autosomal Recessive, 2 AR 616171
Microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, renal agenesis, and ambiguous genitalia syndrome AR 618142
Microcephaly, growth deficiency, seizures, and brain malformations AR 618346
Microcephaly, short stature, and polymicrogyria with seizures AR 614833
Microphthalmia Syndromic 6 AD 607932
Microphthalmia With Limb Anomalies AR 206920
Microphthalmia, Isolated 4 613094
Microphthalmia, Isolated 7 AD 613704
Microphthalmia, Isolated 8 AR 615113
Microphthalmia, Isolated, With Coloboma 5 AD 611638
Microphthalmia, Isolated, With Coloboma 6 AD 613703
Microphthalmia/Coloboma and Skeletal Dysplasia Syndrome AR 615877
Microspherophakia and/or Megalocornea, with Ectopia Lentis and with or without Secondary Glaucoma AR 251750
Migraine AD 157300
Miller Syndrome AR 263750
Mirror movements 2 AD 614508
Mitochondrial complex IV deficiency, nuclear type 16 AR 619060
Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 13 (encephalomyopathic type) AR 615471
Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 18 AR 618811
Miyoshi Muscular Dystrophy 3 AR 613319
MORM Syndrome AR 610156
Morquio Syndrome A AR 253000
Moyamoya Disease 5 614042
Mucolipidosis III Gamma AR 252605
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI AR 253200
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII AR 253220
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I-H/S AR 607015
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I-S AR 607016
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-II XL 309900
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-A AR 252900
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-B AR 252920
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-C AR 252930
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-D AR 252940
Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-IV-B AR 253010
Mucopolysaccharidosis-plus syndrome AR 617303
Muenke Syndrome AD 602849
Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis syndrome AD 166300
Multinucleated neurons, anhydramnios, renal dysplasia, cerebellar hypoplasia, and hydranencephaly AR 236500
Multiple Congenital Anomalies-Hypotonia-Seizures Syndrome AR 614080
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 1 AD 132400
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 2 AD 600204
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 3 AD 600969
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 4 AR 226900
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 5 AD 607078
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 6 AD 614135
Multiple Joint Dislocations, Short Stature, Craniofacial Dysmorphism, and Congenital Heart Defects AR 245600
Multiple Myeloma 254500
Multiple sclerosis, susceptibility to, 5 614810
Multiple Self Healing Squamous Epithelioma AD 132800
Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency AR 272200
Multiple Synostoses Syndrome 1 AD 186500
Multiple Synostoses Syndrome 2 AD 610017
Multiple Synostoses Syndrome 3 AD 612961
Multiple synostoses syndrome 4 AD 617898
Multisystemic Smooth Muscle Dysfunction Syndrome AD 613834
Mungan syndrome AR 611376
Muscular dystrophy, congenital, Davignon-Chauveau type AR 617066
Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital, LMNA-Related AD 613205
Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Type 2L AR 611307
Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 17 AR 616304
Myelodysplastic Syndrome 614286
Myeloproliferative Disorder, Chronic, With Eosinophilia AD 131440
Myhre Syndrome AD 139210
Myoclonic Dystonia AD 159900
Myofibromatosis, Infantile, 1 AD 228550
Myopathy, distal, with rimmed vacuoles AD 617158
Nail-Patella Syndrome AD 161200
Neoplasm Of Ovary 167000
Neoplasm Of Stomach 613659
Nephrolithiasis/Osteoporosis, Hypophosphatemic, 1 AD 612286
Nephrolithiasis/Osteoporosis, Hypophosphatemic, 2 AD 612287
Nephronophthisis AR 256100
Nephronophthisis 11 AR 613550
Nephronophthisis 12 AR 613820
Nephronophthisis 13 AR 614377
Nephronophthisis 15 AR 614845
Neu-Laxova syndrome 1 AR 256520
Neural Tube Defects AD 182940
Neurodegeneration with ataxia, dystonia, and gaze palsy, childhood-onset AR 617145
Neurodevelopmental disorder with coarse facies and mild distal skeletal abnormalities AD 618505
Neurodevelopmental disorder with movement abnormalities, abnormal gait, and autistic features AD 617865
Neurodevelopmental disorder with structural brain anomalies and dysmorphic facies AD 618577
Neurodevelopmental disorder, X-linked, with craniofacial abnormalities XL 301022
Neurodevelopmental, jaw, eye, and digital syndrome AD 618914
Neurofibromatosis, Familial Spinal AD 162210
Neurofibromatosis, Type 1 AD 162200
Neurofibromatosis-Noonan Syndrome AD 601321
Neurooculocardiogenitourinary syndrome AD 618652
Neuropathy, Hereditary, with or without Age-Related Macular Degeneration AD 608895
Neutropenia, severe congenital, 8, autosomal dominant AD 618752
Nevus comedonicus, somatic 617025
Noonan Syndrome 1 AD 163950
Obesity AR 601665
Occipital Horn Syndrome XL 304150
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia AD 164200
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia, Autosomal Recessive AR 257850
Oculofaciocardiodental Syndrome XL 300166
Oculomaxillofacial Dysostosis AD 600251
Ogden Syndrome XL 300855
OHDO Syndrome, X-linked; OHDOX XL 300895
Olmsted syndrome, X-linked XL 300918
Omodysplasia 1 AR 258315
Omodysplasia 2 AD 164745
Opitz GBBB syndrome, type II AD 145410
Opsismodysplasia AR 258480
Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome XL 311200
Orofacial Cleft 11 600625
Orofacial Cleft 5 AD 608874
Orofacial Cleft 6, Susceptibility To AD 608864
Orofacial cleft 8 618149
Orofaciodigital Syndrome IV AR 258860
Orofaciodigital Syndrome V AR 174300
Orofaciodigital syndrome VI AR 277170
Orofaciodigital syndrome XV AR 617127
Orofaciodigital Syndrome XVI AR 617563
Orofaciodigital syndrome XVII AR 617926
Osteitis Deformans AD 602080
Osteoarthritis Of Distal Interphalangeal Joint AD 140600
Osteoarthritis Of Hip 612400
Osteoarthritis With Mild Chondrodysplasia AD 604864
Osteochondritis Dissecans AD 165800
Osteochondrodysplasia AR 184260
Osteochondrodysplasia, brachydactyly, and overlapping malformed digits AR 618167
Osteochondrodysplasia, complex lethal, Symoens-Barnes-Gistelinck type AR 616897
Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism, Type 1 AR 210710
Osteogenesis imperfecta 21 AR 619131
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type III 259420
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type I AD 166200
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type II AD 166210
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type IV 166220
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type IX AR 259440
Osteogenesis imperfecta, type V AD 610967
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type VI AR 613982
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type VII AR 610682
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type VIII AR 610915
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type X AR 613848
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XI AR 610968
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XII AR 613849
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XIII AR 614856
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XIV 615066
Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XIX XL 301014
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XV AR 615220
Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XVI AR 616229
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type XVII AR 616507
Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XVIII AR 617952
Osteogenesis imperfecta, type XX AR 618644
Osteoglophonic Dysplasia AD 166250
Osteopathia Striata With Cranial Sclerosis XL 300373
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Dominant Type 1 AD 607634
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Dominant Type 2 AD 166600
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Recessive 1 AR 259700
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Recessive 2 AR 259710
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Recessive 4 AR 611490
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Recessive 5 AR 259720
Osteopetrosis Autosomal Recessive 7 AR 612301
Osteopetrosis With Renal Tubular Acidosis AR 259730
Osteopetrosis, Autosomal Recessive 8 AR 615085
Osteoporosis AD 166710
Osteoporosis With Pseudoglioma AR 259770
Osteoporosis, early-onset, susceptibility to, autosomal dominant 615221
Oto-Palato-Digital Syndrome Type 1 XL 311300
Oto-Palato-Digital Syndrome, Type II XL 304120
Otofaciocervical Syndrome AD 166780
Otospondylomegaepiphyseal Dysplasia AR 215150
Pachydermoperiostosis AR 259100
Paget Disease of Bone 3 AD 167250
Pallister-Hall Syndrome AD 146510
Palmoplantar keratoderma with congenital alopecia AD 104100
Pancreatic Cancer 260350
Pancreatic Cancer 2 613347
Pancreatic Cancer 3 613348
Parastremmatic Dwarfism AD 168400
Parathyroid Carcinoma 608266
Parietal Foramina AD 168500
Parietal Foramina 2 AD 609597
Parietal Foramina With Cleidocranial Dysplasia AD 168550
Patent ductus arteriosus 2 AD 617035
Pelger-Huet Anomaly AD 169400
Pelger-Huet anomaly with mild skeletal anomalies 618019
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease XL 312080
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia 7 AD 617201
Peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1 disorder AR 616154
Peroxisome biogenesis disorder 2A (Zellweger) AR 214110
Peroxisome biogenesis disorder 2B AR 202370
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder 9B AR 614879
Pfeiffer Syndrome 101600
Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency AR 601815
Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease, Primary, 1 AD 610489
Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2 AR 614325
Pituitary adenoma 3, multiple types, somatic 617686
Pituitary Hormone Deficiency, Combined 4 AD 262700
Platyspondylic Lethal Skeletal Dysplasia Torrance Type AD 151210
Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia With Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy AR 221770
Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy 2 AR 618193
Polycystic Liver Disease 4 with or without Kidney Cysts AD 617875
Polydactyly Preaxial Type 4 AD 174700
Polydactyly, Postaxial, Type A1 AD 174200
Polydactyly, postaxial, type A10 AR 618498
Polydactyly, postaxial, type A6 AR 615226
Polydactyly, postaxial, type A7 AR 617642
Polydactyly, postaxial, type A8 AR 618123
Polydactyly, postaxial, type A9 AR 618219
Polydactyly, preaxial I AR 174400
Polydactyly, Preaxial II AD 174500
Polymicrogyria with or without vascular-type EDS AD 618343
Polymicrogyria, bilateral temporooccipital AR 612691
Polyostotic Osteolytic Dysplasia, Hereditary Expansile AD 174810
Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome AD 119500
Popliteal pterygium syndrome 2, lethal type AR 263650
Popliteal pterygium syndrome, Bartsocas-Papas type 2 619339
Preaxial Deficiency, Postaxial Polydactyly And Hypospadias AD 176305
Premature aging syndrome, Penttinen type AD 601812
Premature ovarian failure 15 AR 618096
Premature ovarian failure 17 619146
Preterm Premature Rupture Of The Membranes 610504
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly 1 AR 251200
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly 3 AR 604804
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly 5 AR 608716
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly 6 AR 608393
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly 9 AR 614852
Progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial DNA deletions, autosomal dominant, 6 AD 615156
Progressive Osseous Heteroplasia AD 166350
Prostate Cancer AD 176807
Proteinuria, Low Molecular Weight, With Hypercalciuria And Nephrocalcinosis XL 308990
Proteus Syndrome 176920
Pseudo-Hurler Polydystrophy AR 252600
Pseudoachondroplastic Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Syndrome AD 177170
Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1A AD 103580
Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1B AD 603233
Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1C AD 612462
Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism AD 612463
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum AR 264800
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum-Like Disorder With Multiple Coagulation Factor Deficiency 610842
Pyknodysostosis AR 265800
Pyle disease AR 265900
Question mark ears, isolated AD 612798
Radioulnar Synostosis With Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia AD 605432
Radioulnar Synostosis with Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia 2 AD 616738
Raine Syndrome AR 259775
Rapadilino Syndrome AR 266280
Rapp-Hodgkin Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndrome AD 129400
Renal Dysplasia And Retinal Aplasia AR 266900
Renal-Hepatic-Pancreatic Dysplasia AR 208540
Restrictive Dermopathy, Lethal AR 275210
Retinal Dystrophy with Macular Staphyloma AR 617547
Retinitis Pigmentosa 23 XL 300424
Retinitis Pigmentosa 51 AR 613464
Retinitis Pigmentosa 55 AR 613575
Retinitis Pigmentosa 71 AR 616394
Retinitis Pigmentosa 73 AR 616544
Retinitis Pigmentosa 74 AR 616562
Retinitis pigmentosa 80 AR 617781
Retinitis Pigmentosa 81 AR 617871
Retinitis Pigmentosa and Erythrocytic Microcytosis AR 616959
Reynolds Syndrome AD 613471
Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome 1 609322
Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome 2 AD 613325
Rhabdomyosarcoma Alveolar 268220
Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 AR 215100
Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 2 AR 222765
Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata, Type 3 AR 600121
Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, type 5 AR 616716
RHYNS syndrome AR 602152
Ring Dermoid Of Cornea AD 180550
Ritscher-Schinzel syndrome 1 AR 220210
Roberts Syndrome AR 268300
Roberts-SC Phocomelia Syndrome AR 269000
Robinow Syndrome AD 180700
Robinow syndrome, autosomal dominant 2 AD 616331
Robinow syndrome, autosomal dominant 3 AD 616894
Robinow Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive AR 268310
Robinow syndrome, autosomal recessive 2 AR 618529
Robinow-Sorauf Syndrome AD 180750
Roifman syndrome AR 616651
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome AR 268400
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome AD 180849
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome 2 AD 613684
SADDAN AD 616482
Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome AD 101400
Salla Disease AR 604369
Saul-Wilson syndrome AD 618150
Scalp-ear-nipple syndrome AD 181270
Scaphocephaly, Maxillary Retrusion, And Mental Retardation 609579
Scapuloperoneal Spinal Muscular Atrophy AD 181405
Schimke Immunoosseous Dysplasia AR 242900
Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims syndrome, somatic mosaic 163200
Schizencephaly 269160
Schizophrenia 17 614332
Schneckenbecken Dysplasia AR 269250
Schuurs-Hoeijmakers Syndrome AD 615009
Schwannomatosis 1 AD 162091
Schwartz Jampel Syndrome Type 1 AR 255800
Sclerosteosis AR 269500
Sclerosteosis 2 AR 614305
Seckel Syndrome AR 210600
Seckel syndrome 10 AR 617253
Seckel Syndrome 2 AR 606744
Seckel Syndrome 4 AR 613676
Seckel Syndrome 5 AR 613823
Seckel syndrome 7 AR 614851
Seckel syndrome 8 AR 615807
Seckel Syndrome 9 AR 616777
Seizures, scoliosis, and macrocephaly syndrome AR 616682
Senior-Loken Syndrome 6 AR 610189
Senior-Loken Syndrome 7 613615
Senior-Loken Syndrome 8 AR 616307
Senior-Loken syndrome 9 AR 616629
Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy In Infancy AD 607208
Short stature with microcephaly and distinctive facies AR 615789
Short stature with nonspecific skeletal abnormalities AD 616255
Short stature, amelogenesis imperfecta, and skeletal dysplasia with scoliosis AR 618363
Short stature, auditory canal atresia, mandibular hypoplasia, skeletal abnormalities AR 602471
Short stature, developmental delay, and congenital heart defects AR 617044
Short stature, facial dysmorphism, and skeletal anomalies with or without cardiac anomalies AD 617877
Short Stature, Idiopathic, X-Linked 300582
Short Stature, Mcrocephaly, and Endocrine Dysfunction AR 616541
Short Stature, Onychodysplasia, Facial Dysmorphism, and Hypotrichosis AR 614813
Short stature, Optic nerve atrophy, and Pelger-Huet anomaly AR 614800
Short stature, rhizomelic, with microcephaly, micrognathia, and developmental delay AD 617164
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 10 with or without Polydactyly AR 615630
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 11 with or without Polydactyly AR 615633
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 13 with or without Polydactyly AR 616300
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 14 with polydactyly AR 616546
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 15 with polydactyly AR 617088
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 16 with or without polydactyly AR 617102
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 17 with or without polydactyly AR 617405
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 18 with polydactyly AR 617866
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 19 with or without polydactyly AR 617895
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 2 with or without Polydactyly AR 611263
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 20 with polydactyly AR 617925
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 21 without polydactyly AR 619479
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 3 with or without Polydactyly AR 613091
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 4 with or without Polydactyly AR 613819
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 5 with or without Polydactyly AR 614376
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 6 with or without Polydactyly AR 263520
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 7 with or without Polydactyly AR 614091
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 8 with or without Polydactyly AR 615503
Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia 9 with or without Polydactyly AR 266920
Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome AD 182212
Shwachman Syndrome AR 260400
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome 2 AR 617941
Sialic Acid Storage Disease, Severe Infantile Type AR 269920
Sialidosis, Type II AR 256550
Sideroblastic anemia with B-cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers, and developmental delay AR 616084
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome XL 312870
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome, Type 2 XL 300209
Single Upper Central Incisor AD 147250
Singleton-Merten Syndrome 1 AD 182250
Singleton-Merten syndrome 2 AD 616298
Skeletal dysplasia, mild, with joint laxity and advanced bone age AR 618870
Skraban-Deardorff syndrome AD 617616
Small patella syndrome AD 147891
Smith McCort Dysplasia AR 607326
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome AR 270400
Smith-McCort Dysplasia 2 AR 615222
Snyder Robinson Syndrome XL 309583
Sodium Serum Level Quantitative Trait Locus 1 613508
Sotos Syndrome 2 AD 614753
Sotos syndrome 3 AR 617169
Sotos' Syndrome AD 117550
Spastic Paraplegia 2 XL 312920
Spastic Paraplegia 8 AD 603563
Spastic Paraplegia 9A AD 601162
Spastic Paraplegia 9B AR 616586
Spermatogenic failure 619145
Spermatogenic failure 28 AR 618086
Spermatogenic failure 58 AR 619585
Spinal muscular atrophy with congenital bone fractures 1 AR 616866
Spinal muscular atrophy with congenital bone fractures 2 AR 616867
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Distal, Congenital Nonprogressive AD 600175
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Distal, X-Linked 3 XL 300489
Spitz nevus or nevus spilus, somatic 137550
Split-foot malformation with mesoaxial polydactyly AR 616890
Split-hand/foot malformation 1 AD 183600
Split-hand/foot malformation 1 with sensorineural hearing loss AR 220600
Split-Hand/Foot Malformation 4 AD 605289
Split-Hand/Foot Malformation 6 AR 225300
Spondylo-Megaepiphyseal-Metaphyseal Dysplasia AR 613330
Spondylocarpotarsal Synostosis Syndrome AR 272460
Spondylocheirodysplasia, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Like AR 612350
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 1 AR 277300
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 2 AR 608681
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 3 AR 609813
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 4 AR 613686
Spondylocostal Dysostosis 5 AR 122600
Spondylocostal dysostosis 6 AR 616566
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia With Immune Dysregulation AR 607944
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia Matrilin-3 Related AR 608728
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia Strudwick Type AD 184250
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 1, with or without fractures AR 271640
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia with Joint Laxity, Type 2 AD 603546
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 3 AR 618395
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, Aggrecan Type AR 612813
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Camera-Genevieve type AR 610442
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Faden-Alkuraya type AR 616723
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Isidor-Toutain type AD 618728
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Dysplasia, Missouri Type AD 602111
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Shohat type AR 602557
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, sponastrime type AR 271510
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, X-linked XL 300106
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, X-linked, with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy XL 300232
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita AD 183900
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Maroteaux Type AD 184095
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda XL 313400
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda Progressive Arthropathy AR 208230
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia with Congenital Joint Dislocations AR 143095
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia, Kimberley Type AD 608361
Spondyloepiphyseal Sysplasia, Stanescu Type AD 616583
Spondylometaepiphyseal Dysplasia Short Limb-Hand Type AR 271665
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia with Cone-Rod Dystrophy AR 608940
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, axial AR 602271
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, corner fracture type AD 184255
Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia, Kozlowski Type AD 184252
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Megarbane-Dagher-Melike type AR 613320
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Sedaghatian type AR 250220
Spondyloocular syndrome AR 605822
Spondyloperipheral Dysplasia AD 271700
Squalene synthase deficiency AR 618156
Stapes Ankylosis With Broad Thumb And Toes AD 184460
STAR Syndrome XL 300707
Steel Syndrome AR 615155
Stickler Syndrome Type 1 AD 108300
Stickler Syndrome, Type 2 AD 604841
Stickler Syndrome, Type 3 AD 184840
Stickler Syndrome, Type 4 614134
Stickler Syndrome, Type 5 AR 614284
Stickler Syndrome, Type I, Nonsyndromic Ocular AD 609508
Stiff Skin Syndrome AD 184900
Striatonigral degeneration, childhood-onset AR 617054
Structural brain anomalies with impaired intellectual development and craniosynostosis AD 618736
Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome AR 601559
Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis AD 185500
Sweeney-Cox syndrome AD 617746
Symphalangism, Proximal, 1B AD 615298
Syndactyly Cenani Lenz Type AR 212780
Syndactyly Type 3 AD 186100
Syndactyly Type 5 AD 186300
Syndactyly, Mesoaxial Synostotic, with Phalangeal Reduction AR 609432
Syndactyly, Type IV AD 186200
Synpolydactyly 1 AD 186000
Synpolydactyly 2 AD 608180
Talipes Equinovarus AD 119800
Tarsal Carpal Coalition Syndrome AD 186570
Tatton-Brown-Rahman Syndrome AD 615879
Temtamy Preaxial Brachydactyly Syndrome AR 605282
Terminal Osseous Dysplasia XL 300244
Testicular Cancer 273300
Tetraamelia, Autosomal Recessive AR 273395
Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type 1 AD 187600
Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type 2 AD 187601
Three M Syndrome 1 AR 273750
Three M Syndrome 2 AR 612921
Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius Syndrome AR 274000
Thyroid Cancer, Follicular 188470
Timothy Syndrome AD 601005
Tnf Receptor-Associated Periodic Fever Syndrome (Traps) AD 142680
Tooth Agenesis, Selective, 1 AD 106600
Tooth agenesis, selective, 8 AD 617073
Torg Winchester Syndrome AR 259600
Townes-Brocks Syndrome AD 107480
Treacher Collins Syndrome AD 154500
Treacher Collins Syndrome 2 AR 613717
Treacher Collins syndrome 3 AR 248390
Tricho-Dento-Osseous Syndrome AD 190320
Trichorhinophalangeal Dysplasia Type I AD 190350
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome Type 3 AD 190351
Trigonocephaly 2 AD 614485
Trigonocephaly, Nonsyndromic AD 190440
Tumoral Calcinosis, Hyperphosphatemic, Familial AR 211900
Tumoral calcinosis, hyperphosphatemic, familial, 2 AR 617993
Tumoral calcinosis, hyperphosphatemic, familial, 3 AR 617994
Turnpenny-Fry syndrome AD 618371
Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy 2 AR 616470
Ulna And Fibula Absence Of With Severe Limb Deficiency AR 276820
Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome AD 181450
Van Buchem Disease Type 2 607636
Van Der Woude Syndrome AD 119300
Van Der Woude Syndrome 2 AD 606713
Velocardiofacial Syndrome AD 192430
Vertebral, cardiac, renal, and limb defects syndrome 1 AR 617660
Vertebral, cardiac, renal, and limb defects syndrome 2 AR 617661
Vesicoureteral Reflux 8 AD 615963
Visceral myopathy 2 AD 619350
Vitamin D Hydroxylation-Deficient Rickets, Type 1B AR 600081
Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets, Type 1 AR 264700
Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets, Type 2 AR 277440
Vitamin K-Dependent Clotting Factors, Combined Deficiency Of, 1 AR 277450
Vitreoretinopathy with phalangeal epiphyseal dysplasia AD 619248
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 1 AD 193500
Warburg-Cinotti syndrome AD 618175
Watson Syndrome AD 193520
Weaver Syndrome AD 277590
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 1 AR 277600
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 2 AD 608328
Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 3 AR 614819
Weill-Marchesani-Like Syndrome AR 613195
Weyers Acrofacial Dysostosis 193530
Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome AD 605130
Wilms' Tumor 194070
Winchester syndrome 277950
Wolcott-Rallison Dysplasia AR 226980
Worth Disease AD 144750
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome AR 278250
X-Linked Periventricular Heterotopia XL 300049
X-Linked Recessive Nephrolithiasis With Renal Failure XL 310468
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group F AR 278760
XFE Progeroid Syndrome AR 610965
Young Simpson Syndrome AD 603736
Yunis-Varon Syndrome AR 216340
Zimmermann-Laband syndrome 3 AD 618658

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  • Bowman et al. 2012. PubMed ID: 22317976
  • Boyle et al. 2015. PubMed ID: 25209348
  • Human Gene Mutation Database (Bio-base).
  • Katsanis and Jabs. 2012. PubMed ID: 20301704
  • Malfait et al. 2018. PubMed ID: 20301422
  • Mortier et al. 2019. PubMed ID: 31633310
  • Paumard-Hernández et al. 2015. PubMed ID: 25271085
  • Pepin et al. 2014. PubMed ID: 24922459
  • Robin et al. 2014. PubMed ID: 20301479
  • Sharma et al. 2013. PubMed ID: 23354436
  • Simonis et al. 2013. PubMed ID: 23812909
  • Stef et al. 2007. PubMed ID: 17473832
  • Stevens and Stevens. 2014. PubMed ID: 20301699


Ordering Options

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myPrevent - Online Ordering

  • The test can be added to your online orders in the Summary and Pricing section.
  • Once the test has been added log in to myPrevent to fill out an online requisition form.
  • PGnome sequencing panels can be ordered via the myPrevent portal only at this time.

Requisition Form

  • A completed requisition form must accompany all specimens.
  • Billing information along with specimen and shipping instructions are within the requisition form.
  • All testing must be ordered by a qualified healthcare provider.

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If ordering a Duo or Trio test, the proband and all comparator samples are required to initiate testing. If we do not receive all required samples for the test ordered within 21 days, we will convert the order to the most effective testing strategy with the samples available. Prior authorization and/or billing in place may be impacted by a change in test code.

Specimen Types

Specimen Requirements and Shipping Details

PGxome (Exome) Sequencing Panel

PGnome (Genome) Sequencing Panel

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Note: acceptable specimen types are whole blood and DNA from whole blood only.
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