
Removal of Patient Plus on April 1, 2024

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On April 1, 2024, Patient Plus was removed as an ordering option after evaluation of our test menu for efficiencies and providing the best care for patients.

Celebrating 20 Years of Improving Lives Through Genetic Testing

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This year marks an exceptional milestone as we celebrate two decades of improving lives through genetic testing! Over the past twenty years, our journey has been one of significant progress and innovation.

Prenatal Testing at PreventionGenetics

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The need for genetic testing can fluctuate during pregnancy, which is why PreventionGenetics offers multiple testing options and has genetics specialists available to help guide you through your patients’ genetic testing journey to work towards the best possible care for your patients.

Introducing PGmaxTM Tests

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An exciting new name for some old favorites. 

Introducing Patient Prompt Pay Discount

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In an effort to make genetic testing more accessible, we’re now offering a Patient Prompt Pay (self-pay) discount of 10% if payment is received in full when we receive the test requisition form (TRF).